I don't know if prison is harsh enough for this woman. Death would certainly be too lenient.

I don't know if prison is harsh enough for this woman. Death would certainly be too lenient.

From the article (and it only get worse):

Sometimes, victims were forced to live in attics naked. Mentally disabled adults were fed a diet of Ramen noodles, beans or stew just once a day. Several victims said they were forced to drink their own urine and eat human waste. Some were encouraged to have children in order to collect more benefits.


David Simmons said…
What does she mean by “There are a lot of people in this courtroom who know what happened, too.”? She think there was some justification for her actions?
Jason ON said…
I think the judge said that to the woman in response to the "God knows what happened" remark.
David Simmons said…
So she think God was OK with her actions?
Jason ON said…
I'm guessing she does. Or at least, she believes her god would understand or justify her actions.
this is like a trip back to the 1800's...
Nolan L said…
All that for 200k? For fucks sake. Seems like a 9-5 would've been less effort. Oh, and the "I'm a victim" defense? Sick.

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