Interviewing ...

Interviewing ...

Guy actually said showing up 10 minutes early was too early. WTF?


Shannon B. said…
I can see over 15 min being awkward but 10 is standard.
Christopher B said…
I would have showed up 10 minutes late.
Paul Wooding said…
What did he say about the tie?
Julie Hayward said…
10 min is perfect! What a butthead. 😡
How did it go??
Jason ON said…
Meh. Not a job I want, but I'm poor enough to take anything at this point.
Julie Hayward said…
Been there done that. Almost accepted a job at McDonald's.
Nate Taylor said…
24 hours is early. Lol
10 minutes? Dude is just a dick.
Jason ON said…
Years ago I interviewed for a position at Cape Canaveral in Florida. The interview was for (let's say) 11AM. I showed at 11AM. The manager couldn't go five minutes without bringing up how I was late because I didn't arrive 15 minutes early. She considered it rude that I showed up on time. Truth be told, and I explained this to her, I had given myself a window but a broken down bus enroute snarled traffic thus sucking up my buffer. She seemed to think I should have planned for that and still arrived 15 minutes early. 

Personally, I usually try for 15 minutes. Sometimes you need a few minutes to find parking, find the right office, use the restroom or whatever before the show starts.

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