Well, that can't be good.

Well, that can't be good.


Asbjørn Grandt said…
The term "Powder keg" have been used before. Last time it resulted in two global wars.

Well, one really, the second was just a result of the stifling penalties imposed upon the losing side from the first one.
Dmitriy Briskin said…
Russian Thanksgiving: In Soviet Russia Turkey shoot you!
Asbjørn Grandt said…
Dmitriy Briskin I feel terrible for laughing out loud 😊
Dmitriy Briskin said…
Asbjørn Grandt Yeah, I was going to tag it with #ImGoingToHellForThis  .
Asbjørn Grandt said…
Dmitriy Briskin I'm still going to steal it though.
Jason ON said…
Oh my gods, I was laughing so hard, Dmitriy Briskin​!
David Simmons said…
Could be worst, he didn't say "Act of War". One problem is that Turkey and Russia are not using the same maps. The area the jet was shot down is in an area Turkey claims, but Russia does not recognize as being part of Turkey but still part of Syria.

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