Let me get this straight ...
Let me get this straight ...
... The LGBQT community wants equal rights and it's persecution of christians.
... Obamacare has birth control and it's persecution of christians.
... Stores put out "Happy Holidays" signs in lieu of "Merry Christmas" and it's persecution of christians.
... Starbucks comes out with a blank red cup and it's persecution of christians.
The governor of the state of Texas tells christians to act unchristian and no one says a word? Where's Fox News' righteous fury at the overstepping of Church and State? Where are the libertarians and far right republicans who believe in the literal word of the Constitution of the United States? Where are the christian leaders decrying this governor for crossing the church and state line?
Hobby Lobby took Obama(care) to the Supreme Court over birth control and no one is mentioning the Texas governor giving christian charities a de facto ultimatum?
Why? Is it because denying a safe haven to refugees of Daesh terrorism trumps the separation clause, now? Because Texas and republicans would rather deny dignity and freedom to brown people than uphold the one of their rallying cries?
... The LGBQT community wants equal rights and it's persecution of christians.
... Obamacare has birth control and it's persecution of christians.
... Stores put out "Happy Holidays" signs in lieu of "Merry Christmas" and it's persecution of christians.
... Starbucks comes out with a blank red cup and it's persecution of christians.
The governor of the state of Texas tells christians to act unchristian and no one says a word? Where's Fox News' righteous fury at the overstepping of Church and State? Where are the libertarians and far right republicans who believe in the literal word of the Constitution of the United States? Where are the christian leaders decrying this governor for crossing the church and state line?
Hobby Lobby took Obama(care) to the Supreme Court over birth control and no one is mentioning the Texas governor giving christian charities a de facto ultimatum?
Why? Is it because denying a safe haven to refugees of Daesh terrorism trumps the separation clause, now? Because Texas and republicans would rather deny dignity and freedom to brown people than uphold the one of their rallying cries?
There is a reason our Founders put the separation clause in there in the first place.
Love Liberty, because, by doing social work, religious institutions can claim state and federal funds because they're doing work instead of state agencies.
In the meantime, we will fight to keep it Neutral. They will get some victories, then when we utilize those victories to expand because there cannot be a "protected" class. They will eventually figure out they do not know how to play chess nor were they "in it to win it." They just wanted their way, and it opened up avenues.
Love Liberty State is the distribution for fed funding, state actually have no skin in the game, unless you consider having to police over zealous fear mongers an expense. And that is what makes this whole conversation laughable. Governor, threatens funds if do not comply with personal politics. Sounds familiar with another recent TX governor doesn't it. Don't expect too much help from the state AG -- oops.
I agree, we make war on our poor instead of our poverty, but that is also why US has not signed UN laws and rules governing that. And before you get soooo bent out of shape. Eric Hamilton does need to move his comma to after the first 0, add a decimal point before the last 0 to want to have a factual conversation (hint 10,000.)
But go ahead and keep on talking. You sound like those bigots who fought against allowing Irish, Polish, Italian and Jewish immigrants into this country.
Hey look! 10,000 is less than most sport stadiums capacity: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_football_stadiums_by_capacity
Not flooding.
And yes, you could call me gay because I smell flowers and you'd be wrong. I don't smell flowers. But, it appears you're used to being wrong.