I wonder how many minutes I talk a month ...

I wonder how many minutes I talk a month ...


chris lietz said…
Jason ON i used that plan for a few years and what saved me was making phone calls over Hangouts to get around the 100 minute limitation. if you forward from GV to Hangouts you never need the minutes unless you are in a area with poor data reception.
Stephen Dickson said…
What do unlimited talk plans cost there?
chris lietz said…
Stephen Dickson limited minute plans (or text) are pretty unusual, at this point almost all plans have unlimited text/minutes and data drives how much the plan costs.
Steve Ruge said…
FYI: $30 plans do not include the unlimited music streaming. I think the lowest one of those is $50.
Jason ON said…
Steve Ruge good to know. I don't stream that often but occasionally I do.

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