I guess this will settle the church/state issue.

I guess this will settle the church/state issue. Does Jesus have standing to file a lawsuit against American citizens? Or is he considered a foreigner? Does he have to appear in court? I mean, that could settle a lot of is he or isn't he questions.




Keith Stansell said…
The Holy Ghost must be feeling a bit left out.
David Simmons said…
I would like to see her filing papers on those breaking the 10 Commandments.
Steve Johnson said…
Whatever happened to reserving judgement to God?
There is a lovely transcription on this site: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2015/05/05/nebraska-woman-sues-all-homosexuals/?ref_widget=trending&ref_blog=daylightatheism&ref_post=speaking which really is as batshit crazy as you might think it is - and the grammar is atrocious....
David Simmons said…
The judge didn't want to decide if homosexuality is a sin or not?
Where else will I go to find out about what is sinful? I have a list of things I need a ruling on.

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