And now that he's thief every case he ever worked on is suspect. Way to go, Officer.

And now that he's thief every case he ever worked on is suspect. Way to go, Officer.

Originally shared by Miami Herald

A Miami-Dade police sergeant making six figures is facing charges he stole county gas to fill up his wife’s BMW.


So he put his career in jeopardy over $277 worth of gas! What an idiot!
Jason ON said…
That's what they were able to prove, Martha Velazquez​. Who knows what else he got away with? Also, police and civic fleets usually have access to extremely discounted gas. So this $277 worth of gas is probably a lot more than were thinking.
I don't understand a person's mindset to be like that when he apparently gets a very good salary.
Jason ON said…
The sad news is, had he just shot an unarmed black kid he probably would have gotten away with it.

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