President Obama thinks prisoners at Gitmo are more important than your children!

President Obama thinks prisoners at Gitmo are more important than your children! Damn imperial socialist bleeding heart pinko liberal!

Yes, I get it. Contrary to popular opinion I'm not that dumb.

Originally shared by Dihydrogen Monoxide Awareness

When will it end?


Tony Haskins said…
I'd say if ya blame just him....and not all in this corrupt ass government...yes you are that dumb
Jason ON said…
Blame him for keeping dihydrogen monoxide in school, Tony Haskins​?
Tony Haskins said…
Jason ON he may of signed it
but it was created by a congressman or a group of them ...passed by both senate and the house , but you blame just him....yes stupid I stand by my earlier statement
the picture....the evil
 is much bigger that our current "puppet and chief"
Jason ON said…
So, just to get this straight, Tony Haskins​​: you're against Obama allowing dihydrogen monoxide in schools? Well, not just Obama but all politicians in the chain?
Tony Haskins said…
Jason ON I'm against a lot of crap they put in our food and water
but my guess is this post is also miss-leading as to amounts in food vs. amounts used to torture per million used in each case
regardless , as I said , against most , I firmly believe our high cancer rates and food additives are connected  , and I believe they either know and are trying to kill us...or know and really do not care as long as they get paid ...either way they know and continue to vote for our poisoning.
so yes I believe a tar and feather party is long past due....
just wouldn't wanna waste it on 1 limited term puppet , when so many lifetime puppets deserve a much closer place in the head of the line....
after all they been at it longer
Jason ON said…
Personally, I don't care how many ppm are in the schools. If DHMO is too extreme for detainees at Gitmo why are we still allowing the children access to it, Tony Haskins​?
Tony Haskins said…
Jason ON hitler gave the jews fluoride
here they put it  in everyone's water
where is your out rage there ?
it hurts teeth , not helps
its a calming agent keep the sheep docile
and again , you are very miss-leading as to PPM each process has
my guess is on purpose
Jason ON said…
I fail to see how I've been confusing on the PPM, Tony Haskins. Heck, I only mentioned it once, stating that I don't care how much DHMO is in the schools, if it's too extreme for Gitmo it's too extreme for schools.

Speaking of DHMO, why is it in schools anyway? Are you telling me the government is really trying to force this stuff down the throats of children? Children? I mean, I understand detainees at Gitmo, they need it, but school kids?
Tony Haskins said…
Jason ON yes if PPM are very low and it is causing no harm to students...then you are miss-leading as hell....and a idiot
good day
Jesus H. Christ said…
Sometimes dad's failed creations can be thoroughly entertaining.

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