My fat ass just met Henry Rollins!!

My fat ass just met Henry Rollins!!


Barry Ellenburg said…
Lol at photo bomb girl's face
Keith Peterson said…

Can't believe how old he looks now days.
Guy is still in great shape though.
Eph Zero said…
Somewhere in my keepsake box, I have a letter from him and an autographed bus pass (it was all I had on me for him to sign).
Jason ON said…
I saw him and couldn't think of his name. I had to ask a bystander which got Henry's attention. We didn't chat long because I was interrupting their conversation.
Terence Reale said…
Not sure if plussing for your fat ass or Henry Rollins.
Jason ON said…
Plus for Henry Rollins. ;)
Julie Hayward said…
Ah man you are lucky! Henry ROCKS!! He's lookin good too. 😉
That is awesome because I'm a huge Rollins fan and you both look great! You don't look like a fat ass, you look like a bad ass.

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