Being the awesome dog person I am, I let Rufus chase a kitty up a tree.

Being the awesome dog person I am, I let Rufus chase a kitty up a tree. The kitty was not a good climber and as I moved closer for a better picture it jumped from the tree and through a steel fence while Rufus tried to get the a good grip. The cat was almost too fat to slip through the bars on the fence.


Dave Maez said…
Nice saturation in that photo. Are you still using the OnePlus One? I just picked one up this week.
Jason ON said…
Yes I am. This was run through Snapseed as well. It's extremely overcast here, so all the colors are bland.
April Benney said…
How mean!!! Poor kitty =(
Jason ON said…
But Rufus likes chasing kitties.
Jason ON said…
Oh yes, it's one of his favorite things in the world, along with chasing squirrels, bunnies, coyotes and everything else with a pulse.

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