In the mood for a Firefly marathon.

In the mood for a Firefly marathon.


Paul M Edwards said…
I want a Jayne hat.
Maybe I'll get this one from ThinkGeek:
Andrea Anzur said…
I have the disc set if you ever want to borrow it.
Jason ON said…
So do I, Andrea Anzur. I lent my Serenity to a friend once about 5 years ago. I haven't seen it since. Each time I ask about it, I'm told: I'll see if I can find it.
Andrea Anzur said…
Next time you should shout "Serenity NOW!" Seinfeld
LuxAlbedo said…
Is 14 episodes a marathon?
Jason ON said…
It is when all there are are 13 episodes.
munchyman3 said…
They need to resurect this show.
tnhl77 said…
munchyman3 why haven't they I mean it's been 11 years and we still want this!
Jaina_Hodgson said…
11 years! Ah man way to kill my feelings of youth.
tnhl77 said…
sorry about that
Bjoerninger said…
Jaina_Hodgson you dont look THAT old, so let's say time has been nice to you so far =)
kedwa30 said…
Paul M Edwards
The colors are all wrong, and the mass produced version from a licensee is not as good quality as one hand made with love by an individual crafter. Look for a "Cunning hat" and avoid the licensed "Jayne Hat"

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