I dont know any more details about this story other than what's in the article, but if the facts are true then Old...

I dont know any more details about this story other than what's in the article, but if the facts are true then Old Navy needs to be boybotted. If not all stores then at least that one.

Originally shared by Angela Yarnicorn


link not found.
did a quick search on google for something on this and came across a snopes article that may be of interest: http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/oldnavy.asp
Jason ON said…
Looks like I wasn't the only one fooled. Thanks, Connie Hill.
Sounds like the original story morphed, but since I can't see the newest version of it, I can only assume.
Being a Navy Vet, things like this interest me, so I had to look into it.

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