I wonder what's happening at this mortuary...

I wonder what's happening at this mortuary...


Jacob Santos said…
Burning bodies/evidence
Jason ON said…
I'm inclined to believe it's a cremation in progress, as well.
Gaythia Weis said…
This appears to be not good at all.  Should have pollution controls:
"Crematoria represent a significant source of mercury emissions to the environment."
Tasha L. said…
I used to work across the street from a  mortuary.  You always knew when they were burning bodies.
Chris Kim A said…
Impressive dumpster placement, too!
Kevin Sexton said…
New pope! Aw dang, Gord Birch beat me to it :|
Una Schade said…
I saw thIs for the first time ever a couple weeks ago. . Really got under my skin! !
Jason ON said…
I almost posted this with a "new pope" joke, but couldn't remember which smoke color indicated a new popiness.

Chris Kim A, that's a telecom junction box, not a dumpster. 

I would think they'd at least cremate at night, not during the middle of the day.

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