Watching this. Just me and the dogs.

Watching this. Just me and the dogs.


Marilyn Gerber said…
Watched it a couple of weeks ago. Not fabulous, but one part made me scream and giggle with tense glee
Jason ON said…
It was ... interesting. Wasn't scary at all.
Marilyn Gerber said…
Right. The fall out of the ceiling scene was nice though.
Jason ON said…
The one with the hands?
Marilyn Gerber said…
Not recalling hands. When creepy dude showed up and writer fell out of the attic
Jason ON said…
There was a scene where he was watching a video of (what looked like)
himself and there were little hands either pushing him down or holding him
up. I want sure.
Marilyn Gerber said…
Don't remember that scene. Pretty forgettable movie. I only saw it a month ago.

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