If I had the discretionary funds and wantrd to be on at&t I'd grab one of these bad boys to take for a spin.

If I had the discretionary funds and wantrd to be on at&t I'd grab one of these bad boys to take for a spin.

I loved my Pearl 8120 and know from that experience that BB makes a great phone.

Chicago Tribune: BlackBerry posts surprise profit, but subscriber base down. http://goo.gl/mag/COJyMWb


April Benney said…
A friend told me today that BB is on the bridge of shutting down because they're broke & that this is their last-ditch effort to stay alive. Idk her source on that info so idk how valid it is but it wouldn't surprise me.
Jason ON said…
Read an article yesterday saying BB's best chance is abroad where they're still a strong contender.
April Benney said…
I used to LOVE BB but they fell way too far behind in technology. It's too bad.
Jason ON said…
I think their texh is fine, they just fell behind on the OS and apps system.

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