Great summation of one reason behind the public's skepticism about a return to the GOPs pro-war agenda, especially...

Great summation of one reason behind the public's skepticism about a return to the GOPs pro-war agenda, especially in the wake of the emerging Tea Pary's "shoot first and ask questions later" rhetoric.

The Iraq War And The Damaged Legacy Of The GOP.


Oh Zee (GP) said…
If the GOP had it's legacy damaged, what has the democrats done to end the war?  That makes them just as responsible for the war, and Obama lied about ending the war, and has actually started more wars in his first four years, and is about to have the world attack us at home due to his tyrannical abuse of our freedoms.
Jason ON said…
Libertarians are dillusional. You do know the Tea Party a self-ascribed libertarian sect within the GOP, right?
Brad Hildebrand said…
Saying you are libertarian and actually being one are two separate matters. Kind of like saying you'll shut down Guantanamo and actually doing it.

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