
Campaign season is in full swing. We know this because of the commercials, the watercooler-talk and the meme after meme after chain-emails that are being passed around the aethyr known as cyberspace.

In 2008 I volunteered with the Obama campaign because I believed in his vision of an American where the Patriot Act wasn't taking away individual liberties, where due process wasn't a pipe dream to the accused and conservative ideology of voodoo economics wouldn't be tearing the economy apart.

However, Obama has continued to disappoint.. And while I don't agree with all of these items Obama has failed to accomplish, many of them were needed to ensure equal protections, equal rights and equal playing fields under the law. But it didn't stop there. Obama, when he wasn't turning a blind eye to Bush-era violations of the Bill of Rights, was expanding on them.

But his silence might have been the most deafening roar. His silence during the Occupy Wall Street movement -- his silence when peaceful protesters had their civil rights violated time and again. His silence on the GOP's War on Women and his silence on climate change.

The president of the United States doesn't need to speak an opinion on every little matter the media determines in the topic of the day, but he should show his support or indignation at public policy that affects the nation as a whole.

In May I received a phone call from the Obama re-election campaign that was just installing an office in Denver. I went down and talked with her (the state coordinator whose name I cannot recall) for about an hour. I let her know how disappointed I was in the president's record thus far and while there are areas of policy he can't control, such as a do-nothing Congress, even his silence on matters of importance set a tone he, as the Chief Executive, must accept the proverbial buck.

For the past few weeks I've been receiving calls from an unknown number. A number that does not leave voicemails. Today I finally called the number back and spoke with (whatever his name was) a local field coordinator for the Obama campaign asking me for my time to help Obama get re-elected.

I informed him, that while I will probably vote for Obama in the coming election and while I will continue to try and show people the true Mitt Romney, I can't in good conscience actively try and promote Obama anymore.

He politely disagreed with me, blamed Congress and blamed the GOP for preventing Obama from being too  successful. But that wasn't the point. Even had Congress prevented Obama's agenda for one reason or another, Obama held his tongue when he should have spoken and turned a blind eye when he should have been calling attention to gross violations of American ideals. We won't even get into his caving to the Tea Party members of Congress in matters of the economy and the police state.

What's the point of this rant? Nothing really. Obama is still a better choice than Romney, but he's not what he promised a lot of people he would be when he campaigned for office and he's spent the better part of 4 years disappointing a lot of us.


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