I've made my political posts before, usually jabs or pot shots at the Tea Party or Romney and sometimes in defense...

I've made my political posts before, usually jabs or pot shots at the Tea Party or Romney and sometimes in defense of the president or left-leaning policies, but I rarely ever post pro-Obama items.


+1 just for making a pro something post.  I'm sick of the negative marketing and long for someone to give me positive reasons for their choice.
Ghurney Hahleq said…
shoulda kept it that way, there are no pro-obamanation posts until he's ousted and all of his left-leaning ilk.
Ghurney Hahleq said…
Check your definitions.  Contradiction is not irony.
Kevin Williams said…
I share your perspective - very disappointed with Obama but no way in hell would I vote GOP. I plan a write-in vote - ineffective, I know, but I'll sleep better knowing I didn't vote for either Obama or Willard Romney. Too bad an incumbent prez doesn't have a party primary.
Jason ON said…
Kevin Williams, I might have considered that route, but I figure my vote, if nothing, will offset some teabagger's vote.
E M Fowler said…
Jason, I appreciate your views. However, I too wonder why he doesn't speak out on Topics I believe affect millions of people. Then I think about why I don't comment on every post or topic I am interested in. Sometimes we can do more harm than good when voicing opinions. We can't control how people will respond and when you are the President, Celebrity or Politician people lie in wait for you. I guess in truth we all have an issue close to us that was not deemed a priority in the last 4 years. However, do you think that the next President if not Obama, is going to give a care either when faced with HealthCare, Taxes, War, Wall Street, Syria, Medicare, Unemployment, Taxes and His own personal agenda? JMHO
There's no reason why 20 million people split down the middle couldn't vote for any write in thus splitting both parties.  Whoever wins will go in with the knowledge that a majority wants neither so had better act right.  Vote your heart, even a blank ballot counts.
Jason ON said…
E M Fowler, I agree to some degree. I also rhyme, apparently. Damn, there I go again.

Seriously, though, I address that point in my blog post. Stated clearly, I thought, that the sitting  President doesn't need to speak about every little item the media is telling us is important this week, but there is a difference between a campaigning man and a sitting person. We see it all the time where a campaigning politician will tell us what s/he thinks we want to hear (think Romney) but turns around and ignores or changes his/her public remarks regarding that position once in office.

However, there are other times when he needs to remind those who voted for him and those who were on the fence what his platform supports and condemns. Did he make a public call to reason when states and cities were treating OWS protesters like terrorists? Aside from the DNC has he said anything about the GOP's agenda regarding a woman's right to her own body? 

No. And yet these are important issues. One demonstrates his belief in civil liberties and the other in equality under the law. Both are larger issues and reminds people of where he stands on those issues, for better or worse.

Time and time again we hear of people who just want to know who their candidates are, that they actually believe in their platforms. How many times have you heard or seen someone say "I don't like the candidate, but [s]he sticks by their guns and I respect that?" 

People want that straighforwardness and they want to know that the guy they vote for hasn't succumbed to the isolation of the office they hold.
E M Fowler said…
Jason, with regards to Women's Rights he spoke up when Rush called the student a Slut. That young lady also appeared as a speaker at the DNC. And stance made with ObamaCare. Clearly spoken as with Gay Rights too. 

I think because we now have a thoughtful and intelligent President, his slow to spout off-the-cuff statements, people think he is not doing anything or doesn't care. Obama speaks out when it time and the White House is ready to deal with the fall-out. Which is why we don't see alot of PANIC even in these tuff times. We see people protesting and feeling free to do so. Why would he speak out yea or nay on these activities, it's a right & choice. I am sure he is listening and making adjustments.

Lastly. I realized from a few jobs I took in the past hoping to make a positive change: When you are outside looking in, it's easy to say what you will do and would do IF!. Once you are inside, there are a different set of truths. Example: Obama bringing the troops home within a promised deadline when campaigning. Once Elected &  briefed and made privy to the FACTS about the war that the public will never know, thangs had to change. It took longer than promised. I am sure this is the case for several of his Agendas.

It's these types of lessons learned that make me less apt to Blame or point fingers these days. I can only control myself and sometimes I disappoint me. Great discussion. Thanks ~emma
Jason ON said…
E M Fowler, I understand the view is different from the inside too. However, as a senator he shouldn't have made those promises. it's that simple. A better promise would have been to say he would speak to his military advisers, as their commander in chief, and determine the best course of action.

As for Sandra Fluke, I mentioned that Obama finally had something to say at the DNC, and the DNC organizers invited her to speak. However, speaking up to defend on woman against Rush the Idiot Limbaugh and speaking up against the tyranny of the christian conservatives trying to outlaw a woman's right to her own body are two very different animals.
E M Fowler said…
Jason, I see we have a lot in common...like to Discuss Things! LoL. I look forward to your next Blog. ~Be Happy!
Brenda Curtis said…
There are 3rd party candidates on the ballot. This isn't the year for Gary Johnson but I will support him hard next time if he chooses to run again.
Jason ON E M Fowler You both raise excellent points. I tend to lean more toward Jason's view with regards to the president's silence on civil rights violations during the Occupy movement.  The right to peaceably assemble is so fundamental that every president should fervently defend it regardless of politics.

As a first term president faced with such crises upon taking office, Obama has had to do things that have left him with very little political capital. That has meant really having to choose his battles. Is that ideal? No, but it is a reality that I can appreciate.

Ultimately, Obama fell into the same trap that nearly every presidential candidate does, over-promising with imperfect knowledge of the challenges they will face in office.

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