Does social etiquette get redefined for social media?

Does social etiquette get redefined for social media?  Do you not tell your IRL friends that a third party was being mean to you or that you think s/he is an [expletive]?

If we do that in real life, why is it suddenly unacceptable in social media? Isn't SM a reflection of who we are in the real world? Or are we surrounded by the notion that online we're who we think we are rather than who we really are?


Glenn Caldwell said…
Most people in SM are purposely trying to be someone else.
Erica Joy said…
I talk to people on social media like I talk to my friends. What is odd and random is that if I met most of you IRL, I would clam up until we spent a little time around one another. It has always taken me a little time to warm up to people.
Jason ON said…
I pretty much act the same in person as I do online. Sometimes I'm witty, sometimes I'm morose and sometimes I'm wordy. Sometimes I just want to listen (read) and sometimes I have an opinion on everything. With me, WYSIWYG.

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