What happened to the gear icon in Chrome?

What happened to the gear icon in Chrome? I have three lines there instead. My roommate also has three lines there instead.


Stella Daniela said…
It's been there for a few days. :P  At least, for me.  It just dawned on me today what used to be there.  LOL
D. Square said…
days??  that icon hasnt been there for a looong while.   You must have just upgraded??  ;)
Jason ON said…
I had the gear yesterday and not today. That's all I know.
D. Square said…
ah,  I'm on 23.0.1271.6 dev,  and canary  they have both been gone for a nice while now.  *shrugs*
Michael Smith said…
I (checks again) don't have anything where the gear used to be.  I have a key and a wrench.
Jeff Chapman said…
hello android infiltration, yes this is chrome and we're an integral part of android now.
Tasha L. said…
I knew something changed and knew those lines looked different. Just couldn't put my finger on it.

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