Google has oogles of money -- politicians are available to the highest bidder. Where is the money going?

Google has oogles of money -- politicians are available to the highest bidder. Where is the money going?

Originally shared by Violet Blue

This is troubling. You'll want to read it.

The reps getting contributions are pro-warrantless wiretapping, some are staunchly anti-net neutrality - and you'll see, that's not all. What I didn't include is that all of the Republican recipients are staunchly pro-life and against gay marriage.


author looks like an iPhoner that is an expert on SEX? - Violet Blue is an award-winning author, columnist blogger, journalist and is regarded as an expert in the field of sex and technology. She is a member of the CNET Blog Network, and is not an employee of CNET.
Will Keaney said…
My take is that they're trying to influence the opposition, not that they're supporting the contrary policies espoused by these politicians. There's little point in lobbying people who already agree with you.
Pretty sure I had nothing to do with how she looks or portrays herself tyvm Alice Cabrera. A self-proclaimed expert on sex & technology.. gimme a break

Checking sources is something every responsible reader should be doing. Otherwise you're just a sheep getting spoon fed anything you read on the internet.

Besides it's a completely pointless article.
The article was almost as useless as this argument. Go pick a fight with someone else.
Jason ON said…
Actually, Drew Dauffenbach, Alice Cabrera is completely right here. If you can't refute the facts in the article, you shouldn't attack the writer of the subject matter. its not difficult to gather facts and comport them all together in a readable format. It's called journalism. I know plenty of freelance writers who aren't experts in anything, but they research their facts and write their articles. 

Oh, and you check the sources to verify the sources are accurate. If you want to argue the sources Violet Blue used in her article, that's fine, but that doesn't mean you then get to call her names. And what does it matter that she uses an iPhone? Are you telling me that because I'm typing this on a HP laptop I cannot write an article about Dell? Talk about not making sense.
Smh. I didn't call her names I pasted the about author part of the article..

The idea of saying Google is bad for giving money to these filthy politicians whose stance on any matter only depends on who is lining their pockets is absurd. Nearly all the politicians in Washington are crooked and will sway their votes based on $$$ & there is no validity here.

Don't worry tho you won't see me around these parts any more.
Hey Alice Cabrera don't talk to me like you know me. Kthxbai
Jason ON said…
Wow, Drew Dauffenbach got his panties in a bunch and he's running off not to be seen "around these parts any more."

And, Drew Dauffenbach, you may not have overtly called Violet Blue a name, you did call her a fraud in your rebuttle of her "about the author" background.
Will Keaney said…
Alice Cabrera They're still there, he must have blocked you.
Jason ON said…
I still see them. 

"Credibility!" That's the other word I couldn't think of. He went after her credibility, which is also a fallacy of logic and reason.

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