PBS Newshour Annoyed Me

Join us at 5 p.m. ET for a +Google+ Hangout w/ +Hari Sreenivasan, Mark Shields and David Brooks, where they'll discuss the sport of politics and the politics of sport.

#gop2012   #election2012   #RNC   #Romney ) 
Jason ONAug 28, 2012Edit
So, is this a sports broadcast? I don't care one iota about sports.
Hari SreenivasanAug 28, 2012
+Jason ON its an online only segment we've been doing for a couple of years now- where we talk about the sport of politics and the politics of sport. Partly because it is a side of these two political analysts you have never seen before. 
Jason ONAug 28, 2012Edit
Okay, so this has nothing to do with sports? That was my initial question and all you seemed to do was restate what the original post stated. Which, as you should know, didn't really clear anything up for me since it's nearly the exact same statement. "Politics of sport?" What does that even mean? "The sport of politics" could mean a few things such as politics being like a sport or a game.
Sean PisanoAug 28, 2012
How does one join a hangout? 
Hari SreenivasanAug 28, 2012
Jason. Yes it has to do with politics and sports. If its painful ...please dont watch. Spend tour time trolling elsewhere
Jason ONAug 28, 2012Edit
I'm not trolling at all, I'm looking for clarification since the original post and your reply was fairly vague. Neither one addressed my questions.

But, if you think that's "trolling" +Hari Sreenivasan, then you need to get away from any public facing position.
Hari SreenivasanAug 28, 2012
+Jason ON you're right- btwn the two of us - i'm the one who has no sense of humor. i sincerely apologize if we don't produce content that you don't like and make you suffer through vague descriptions which may influence how you choose to spend 10 minutes of your life. I'll take your career advice to heart. 
Justin TappYesterday 2:54 AM
+Hari Sreenivasan
I live in Turkey now so I'm 7 hours ahead of you, but I totally wish I would have woken up for the hangout. I'm pretty bummed, hope you do another during the convention. 
Jason ON2:50 PMEdit
+Hari Sreenivasan, my comments have not been funny or humorous at all, so I'm wondering why you went to the sense of humor line. I was just curious if the Hangout was going to be about sports. That's all. I don't give a shit about sports and didn't want to waste my time, however I dopay attention to politics and might have enjoyed a Hangout to discuss them.

But, whatever. Instead of addressing my question you've done nothing but reiterate the original post, call me a troll and then try and be sarcastic with me.

In my professional opinion, you are an ass. /done

+PBS NewsHour, if you're going to have your "talent" representing you on an open online forum you need to provide some social media training. The way +Hari Sreenivasan has treated me has been very unprofessional since the moment he chimed in. His actions do not reflect well on PBS.
Hari Sreenivasan3:50 PM
+Jason ON i have handled comments on my site here, on facebook, and in email long enough to let my reputation stand for itself. You are of course entitled to call it professional or not. You're the one resorting to expletives, not me.
I answered your question in my very first respone- the politics of sport, but let's be quite frank- you didn't understand that- you said that i simply restated your question.  so i answereded it again- that yes it does have to do with sports, but you felt it necessary to express your displeasure not just with sports but with me for seemingly wasting your time.
- so yes i was being sarcastic- and yes i think saracasm falls under the umbrella of humor.

we just finished another episode of the doubleheader which will be posted soon. same two guys- mark shields and david brooks- political thinkers who disagree agreeably- and they also happen to know a bizarre amount about sports- something people don't get to see on the+PBS NewsHour  (oh gosh- did i just cc my bosses to make them aware of my atrocious behavior?)
we dealt with politics again, and again we dealt with sports. i reiterate, no, make that plead- that it will be an utter waste of your time.
Hari Sreenivasan3:52 PM
+Jason ON  also - are you using "talent" to show off that you must know industry jargon? or perhaps in a pejorative tone? Good to clear that right up?
Hari Sreenivasan3:58 PM
+Justin Tapp thanks for writing in. we'll be doing this at the DNC once as well- if you are interested in participating, it'd probably be close to midnight your time- but depending on the strength of your connection./ lighting or whatever the google folks look for, it'd be good to have you join us from Turkey. Lemme know and i'll try and get someone in touch with you. 
Jason ON4:26 PM (edited)Edit
+Hari Sreenivasan, first you're wrong. I didn't reiterate my question, you only restated your original post. I asked for clarification of what the sport of politics and the politics of sport, was. All you had to do was say this hangout would have been about sports or politics. Instead you responded with where we talk about the sport of politics and the politics of sport. What the hell does that even mean? Also, as I stated earlier, that's just restating what I asked for clarity on in the first place.

And yes, I did resort to expletives first, because apparently you don't understand anything else. But let's not also forget that you called me a troll earlier in this conversation, before I said anything derrogatory towards you. Or, let me put it another way: you called me names before I used an expletive.

And again, you fail to grasp the whole scope of this conversation. You haven't wasted my time. Not yet, anyway. I wanted to know if the Hangout would be a waste of my time. I'm glad to note that since I skipped it, I did not waste my time.

But instead, you've taken to playing the victim in each and every response to me. Let me tell you right now, you're not important enough to be a victim. Sorry, but apparently someone had to tell you the truth.

As for "talent." The quotation marks are there to denote sarcasm. As in, I don't think you have any "talent" and you're that in name only.


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