Um... I just got this email:

Um... I just got this email:

11:17 AM (11 hours ago)

to unjason 
Hello Jason ,

Thank you for registering at 

We are happy to see you have registered with us, and hope to be your One-Stop shop for anything to do with the Buying or Selling of Automobiles online.

Below you will find your username and password.

Password: 8023457

You are just click away to buy and sell vehicles online.

Best wishes,


I've never even heard of Autonagar.


Jason ON said…
So, I logged in and went to "Profile." Apparently the user who registered this account with my email lives in Salt Lake, or at least has a Salt lake City area code (and phone number) and lives in Chennai. Wherever that is.

And I can not EDIT or DELETE the account without entering my lsnt name and other important information. Hmmm... seems like a fishing trip to me.

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