So, I'm going to be very happy when the shiny new Events isn't so shiny and new anymore and I stop getting invites...

So, I'm going to be very happy when the shiny new Events isn't so shiny and new anymore and I stop getting invites to every little thing. People are just inviting everyone in the Circles to everything they can think of.



Gord Wait said…
You could always invite all the perpetrators to a "why you shouldn't fire off invites at random to everyone in your circles" meeting..
Thankfullly nobody likes inviting me. I have seen a few, but not nearly as bad ass what i am hearing.
Jason ON said…
But I'm popular, Al Steffen. :P
Jason ON said…
I think I've had something like 30 invites to things today. Some are IRL and not even near me -- like, not even the same state! Others are "Global Day of ...[fill in the blank]". 

ugh. There seems to be some inconsistency to how they are seen. I know I am following people that have sent out public invites, but i don't always seem them. Not even on the evetns screen.
Andrew Maxwell said…
I tried one, but only sent it to a select few. I think this will be more important and less annoying when time goes on.
Ursula Rodgers said…
Today there is less of that, but in exchange I'm seeing photos twice in a row, as people post them to their stream and also to some event. *sigh*

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