That actually looks good. It's the first trailer I've seen for the this remake and I like it.

That actually looks good. It's the first trailer I've seen for the this remake and I like it.


Neil Lund said…
It does look good, but did you see the trailer for the trailer that was out a month ago or so? It wasn't as good as this trailer.
Jason ON said…
No I didn't. That's sort of what  meant when I said (and I quote) it's the first trailer I've seen for this remake.
Neil Lund said…
I do like the direction they're taking the storyline. Nice to see a Kate in there too
Yes, but it's completely missing Mars in the plot... which, now that I think about it, makes me wonder why they're trying to kill him and makes the questionable likelihood that he did get brain screwed much more likely.

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