Six Days!

Six Days!


Rob Zaleski said…
So. Geeked. Originally, I didn't care, but man I'm stoked.
Jason ON said…
Shut your mouth, Luigi Buscemi!! This is Spider-Man!
Rob Zaleski said…
Have you seen in Jason ON? I really liked it. A few gripes here and there, but overall very pleased with it!
Jason ON said…
I did see it, Monday night for th 12:01am show. Not sure I liked Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, or that whole skateboarding scene. I need to see it again to know for sure.
Rob Zaleski said…
I agree with the skateboarding thing, it made him seem too "cool." But I did dig Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker. He had the right look, sarcasm yet awkwardness. I have a friend who has been a Spidey fan all his life and he pointed out a lot of subtleties that they did too.
Jason ON said…
I thought Toby was a better Peter Parker. If you go back and read the original Amazing Fantasy15, Peter Parker is shy, nerdy, is dressed like his grandparents dressed him and considerate. He wasn't sarcastic until Spider-Man and his face was hidden. Not in high school. Or at least, not so soon after (or around) the time he was bit by the spider. 

In this movie they made him dork chic. He wore, not trendy, but urban clothes that didn't set him off as an outsider, he tried to stop a fight when PP from pre-bite wouldn't have gotten involved. He was the guy who wanted to fit in but didn't know how to. 

Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker (or Marc Webb's Peter Parker) was way too confident. He was sneaking into labs, getting involved in bullying, talking to girls (although awkwardly), etc.

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