Are you feeling old, yet?

Are you feeling old, yet?

Originally shared by Peter William Lount

"Remember in Back To the Future, when Doc sets the DeLorean to a future date? That date is TODAY!"

We're back to the future now!


Brian Johnson said…
holy crap!! Yes. Yes I do :)
Rugger Ducky said…
99% sure it is supposed to be in 2015...
I'd say after today's I/O events we've pretty much nailed it on the whole "future" stuff.
Jason ON said…
2015 sounds right, too now that you mention it, Rugger Ducky.
Brian Johnson said…
yeah, couldn't find the exact year, but wiki mentions he puts in "30 years in the future" which would make it 2015....
Rugger Ducky said…
Apparently I'm the only nerd with a near eidetic memory. ;)
Michael Smith said…
Where is my flying car with the nuclear food processor?
Rugger Ducky said…
I can even still tell you what color "life preserver" Marty McFly wore. ;)
Rugger Ducky said…
Michael Smith I have been bitching about my lack of flying car since 2001. I was promised when I was a small child that by the time I was 30 (in 2001), we would all have flying cars and personal jetpacks. I'd be happy to compromise for the jetpack. Sheesh.
Brian Johnson said…
I'd settle for the hoverboards...seems easier than the jetpack and flying car ;)
Rugger Ducky said…
I'd have said "burnt umber", but I majored in art and I have to get something for that money. ;)
Jerrett Strain said…
where is my hoverboard?
Una Schade said…
I am pretty sure that is not the actual date, FYI. I think it is Oct 21, 2015....
Jason ON said…
Read "up" Una Schade, we'd already concluded the graphic was wrong. ;)
Rugger Ducky said…
Unlike on FB, where no one has caught on yet and this is STILL being passed around. Muwaahahahahahahahah.

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