Took the camera out to the dog park with me this afternoon. Here are a couple of the pictures I took.

Took the camera out to the dog park with me this afternoon. Here are a couple of the pictures I took.


Lynda Schwemmer said…
Oh, I love your doggie. You mentioned his name is Rufus. So I saw the sepia picture first and thought, how appropriate. I was thinking of "rufous" as in "reddish". So I was surprised when I saw the second pic and learned that he is actually black. I guess you will have to dye him. ;-)
Jason ON said…
I like Celtic names for my dogs and Rufus actually means "red warrior." His feet have some red on them, but that's about it.
LaRee Brownell said…
Beautiful Dog, but looks cold in your neck-of-the-woods.
Jason ON said…
3 degrees right now.
LaRee Brownell said…
Dang that is cold. I'm pretty sure I've never been in 3 degree weather. Although I did get frostbite on my nose skiing in Park City one year. The wind chill was killer but the fresh powder was the best!

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