Crazy urban mountain bike ride through Valparasio, Chile.

Crazy urban mountain bike ride through Valparasio, Chile.


Raheen Ashimi said…
SCAREY!!!.. But looks fun as HECK!!!! I'd try it.
Jason ON said…
Hey, Curtis Edenfield, have you done this? would you?
Jason ON said…
That's what I thought.
Rick Anderson said…
Awesome. Did an urban race in Brazil once. Not as crazy as this one though.
Chan Li said…
so brave ! and the damn dog !
Surendra Sajwan said…
This guy is crazy... Awesome.. :)
Simon Berenyi said…
This just scared the poop out of me - just amazing!
Alex Guzman said…
And he did it all while wearing a business suit? O.o

Right down towards the end I think he said he's going to a wedding when some folks asked him.
I Like the Part where he ran his bike to the Wall... I'm sure about 1 thing tho; I'll never try to do any of those moves!!!
Mr. Graie said…
how in the world? dafuq.
Peter McVitie said…
Heart in mouth just watching on my screen FFS!!
Carlos Carias said…
that race keept me breathless,i cuold'nt belive what i was seing,but this guy is good.
Clive Allen said…
That's taking insanity to a new level
Jason ON said…
That was pretty impressive, Rick Anderson .
Razak Zainal said…
you can actually hears the dog yapping...
Surendra Sajwan said…
He is wearing Business Suit as he is on business work.. :)
Oh-HELL YEAH!!!!! The only thing that scares me is the hand rails at the beginning, not a good thing to get a handlebar stuck in!!! There's two or three of those down in Mexico, I've been dying to try.

The riding group I ride with does alot of urban riding!!

Jason ON said…
Really? It took you this long to view and comment? :P
Sorry, it's been a very busy December for me an I haven't loaded my new laptop up a Linux OS yet. Just using my server, it's old an cranky!! LOL!!

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