By the way, how do I make the little circle-thingy that is the symbol for "degrees" when citing the temperature?

By the way, how do I make the little circle-thingy that is the symbol for "degrees" when citing the temperature? Is there a way to do that?



MTD said…
Its in the stock Android keyboard in the numeric keyboard with the alt key. °
On the Mac it's Option 0 so on PC I'll bet it's Alt 0. ººººº
Jason ON said…
Okay, I'm "alt 0"ing my ass off and nothing. Also nada with alt 248.
Shawna Bergen said…
°°° Works for me. hold alt while typing 248
Try Command Zero or Option Zero. Or just select our degree sign, copy, and paste. :)
Jason ON said…
Did that. All I get is a little chirping noise from the keyboard. Does it matter that I'm on a laptop without a separate keypad but just the number row at top?
Alan Gerow said…
Jason ON yes, it does matter. The ALT code only works with the number pad, not the top row.
Jason ON said…
So, then how do I do it?
Alan Gerow said…
The easiest way without the numeric pad is to view the Character Map program in Windows. In the Start Menu search for "charmap", that'll open up the Character Map window. Scroll in the list of the characters and then double click the degree sign (6th row, 11th column). Copy, then Paste.

Or you can Copy & Paste it from the comments above.
Shawna Bergen said…
What Jenness AKA Dory Asby suggested. Copy one of our degree symbols and paste.
Jason ON said…
Thanks. I was really hopring for a keyboard shortcut, but this works.
Tim Bond said…
Hold down alt key and type 0176 on the number keypad °
Jason ON said…
That doesn't work either, Tim Bond.
If you're in Microsoft Word, there may be another way to do it, but the computer I'm on right now doesn't have Word on it. Character Map is probably the most reliable way.
Jason ON said…
This one doesn't have Word either. Just OOo.
Tim Bond said…
on my windows 7 netbook, if I Fn-F11 (which is my NumLock key, but yours might be some other Fn-Fkey combo), then the ALT key codes work.
Jason ON said…
Nope. No NumLock key.
The good news - Tim Bond is right. I just finished reading a Wikipedia article on the subject, and then noticed that my netbook has an Alt key, and a Fn key, and that certain keys are highlighted in blue. For example, the "u" key also has a blue "4" on it. So by holding Alt and Fn down, I can use my blue keys to enter alt codes.

The bad news - apparently the computer also interprets the keys to have different meanings. By the time I finished typing in the alt code, I had a degree symbol - but I was on a Google search page.
Tim Bond said…
Ah. I've never been a fan of the NumLock on laptop keyboards because it takes over some regular keys and just never seemed that useful to me, so I can see why some laptops don't have the NumLock key with keypad taking over letter keys. It would be helpful to have it in this situation, though.

When I plug a full-sized keyboard into my netbook to type papers, it usually leaves the numlock activated even after I unplug the keyboard - so I'm often trying to type my password and getting errors until I remember that quirk
Nate Taylor said…
° there, copy/paste : P
Jason ON - if you have a Fn key, see if there is an Fn equivalent to NumLock. On my netbook, + =

°°° can then be entered w5th ease. Y64 14st have t6 re0e0ber t6 t4rn N40 6c2 6ff after y64're d6ne.
Nate Taylor said…
John E. Bredehoft I think you forgot to turn numlock off lol
Nate Taylor said…
Nm. I now see that was intentional
Nate Taylor - originally it wasn't intentional... :)
Jason ON said…
I do have a function key and some functions on the other keys but no numlock anywhere.
Ok so my HELPING was not much help in the long run! LOL
Nate Taylor said…
Jason ON what's the model#
Jason ON said…
Nate Taylor HP DV6 custom build.
Jason ON said…
I know there isn't one. That's what I keep telling people.
Nate Taylor said…
I know.. now you have proof to shut em up :P
Jason ON said…
No, I didn't

Okay, just tried and nothing. I guess it's cut and paste or character maps for me.
Nate Taylor said…
Well you on w7 right? The osk should have the special keys
Jason ON said…
There's an onscreen keyboard on my Win7 laptop?
Nate Taylor said…
I think I'd you add tablet features under windows add/remove software. You can get a osk link on the task bar
Linda Lawrey said…
Copy from your character map to notepad. Save to desktop for quick access. lol OR copy this and save it: ⁰
I can't believe how many comments are on here. *actually LOLing* Tom Asby just pointed out that in Chrome you can go Edit > Special Characters and choose it. At least on the Mac version.
I love my MacBook so much right now, I'm trying to figure out how to french kiss it.
Theresa Reel said…
Well if you can't make the alt 248 work (33°), then I guess you have to apply your coolness factor and start a trend of what SHOULD be used instead to represent degrees :)

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