Exploring Florida

For those of you who are paying attention... and by "those of you" I mean the person who accidentally stumbles upon this blog while searching for something interesting on the interwebz... I left Colorado and came to Florida to winter here where I can still walk around barefoot and not have to worry about jackets, sweaters, snow or ice.

Since I'm here, I wanted to explore Florida a little more. Last time I came down was this past summer when I came down for the final shuttle launch. Even though I grew up here we never explored much of what Florida has to offer and I found a really cool place that is barely an hour away from the town I grew up in called Bok Tower and Gardens (and you can see my pictures from that day HERE). My intent when I came down this time was to find more places that I didn't know about, places that were interesting and speak to Florida's culture as a state but that aren't touristy and internationally known attractions. 

Do you know how hard it is to find a book of "off the beaten path" places in Florida? Most of the tradtional "travel Florida" style books list the theme parks, the fancy hotels and the 3 star and up restaurants. They don't really list those "other" places -- places like Bok Tower and Gardens.

Doing some research last night on the interwebz, I was able to find this book: Weird Florida where I learned of a giant sinkhole in north-central Florida and an old stone fortification just an hour or so north of where I'm sitting right now called Old Fort Park. I never knew this place existed. Sure, Florida has St. Augustine, but Old Fort? What else is here? What else don't I know about?

I thought about starting another blog just for exploring Florida and I might still, but for right now I'm just going to tag these posts with Florida and explore to separate them from the massive amount of other posts I have under Jasonisms. Ha ha ha ha!

So, if you know anywhere I should know about or something I should see, please let a brutha know. And remember, gas is friggin expensive down here and I'm poor. :D


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