Florida is one weird-ass place.


Brenda Curtis said…
ayup. go spend some time around the little podunk towns near Gainsville. That's where 3/4 of the Southern hilbillies live.
Jason Suss said…
Hear that, visiting a friend in Starke at the moment, pretty podunk.
Brandy Ellis said…
Jason Suss Don't speed! That area has some notorious speed traps.
Jason Suss said…
Thanks Brandy Ellis, ran through Lawley (sp?) on the way in - heard some nutty stories about the cops there. AAA supposedly sued the town, part of the settlement is there is a billboard about 3 miles out that says "Speed Trap - 3 miles" all South of the Border like. :)
Rich Leighton said…
Hahaha! Great post! I'm a native Floridian (moved to Washington in July). I've seen some crazy stuff there too. On the news I've seen :(1) Tornado to blame for alligator stuck in tree (2) naked guy with samurai sword steals beer from convenience store (3) Mobile home burns down from indoor bonfire cookout: one man dies. I could go on and on....

It's a crazy state fo'sho'!
Brenda Curtis said…
There was a game show type thing on one of the morning programs-Germany or Florida. They would read a story like you mentioned, Rich and the listener would have to guess where it happened. There was some insane material!
Jason ON said…
I'm a native as well. Well, native enough and left in 93. I didn't realize how bass-ackwards this place was before I saw other places.
Brenda Curtis said…
Jason ON There are good spots. I love Orlando-touristy fun and some actual city and diversity. West Palm Beach area where I grew up is great. But get into the side towns and it is something else.
Rich Leighton said…
I grew up in Bradenton (home of the old people's parents) and there was nothing for anyone under the age of 65 to do, so we had to find our own entertainment - which usually quickly progressed into something illegal, dangerous and stupid :-)
Brenda Curtis said…
Rich Leighton I had a friend with a horse ranch there. and if I remember correctly there was a river and it was pretty close to the beach. How is it we were bored as kids, Rich? I wasn't really. always had the beach and the mall and the movies and books and tons of school stuff I was involved in. The arcade too! right on the beach!
Brenda Curtis said…
Ybor City.
'nuff said.
They throw some good party there!
Jason ON said…
My brother's are terrified of Ybor City. Apparently it's not clean-cut enough for them.
Brenda Curtis said…
That's probably why it hosts an awesome Pirate Party every year!

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