Kansas sucks!

Kansas sucks! Nothing but country music and Jesus stations. So glad to be out of there. Unfortunately, now I'm in Misery.


Alan Gerow said…
Last time I drove across Kansas, I listened to Pandora the whole time. And it's always best to drive through Kansas over the night, because there's nothing to look at anyway, so it might as well be dark. It's somehow less depressing.
Ron Whitmire said…
Sure you weren't in Indiana?
Bem Meissner said…
guess your not a liberal
Emily Brogan said…
I had the misfortune of mostly being raised there. So very glad I escaped. I've burned the ruby slippers, and I'm staying over the rainbow.
Bem Meissner said…
Allot of fun can happen with 8 hours of darkness around, especially in a corn field
Emily Brogan said…
I'll admit, I do sometimes miss how endless the sky can be with no hills, or trees. The Flint Hills area is actually pretty too. And some of the patches of rolling hills where some of the last tallgrass prairie in the world can be found are something you really can't even capture in a photo. The way the grasses sway in the unbroken wind like waves on the sea...
Sarah Hill said…
Glad to have you back in the Show me State Jason ON
Bem Meissner said…
Ah, the Amber waves of grain . . . . . . yeah Emily Evans God sure did bless this land with so much diversity and beauty.
John Lemen said…
Missouri is barely 4 hours wide, though. Where are you headed?
Emily Brogan said…
Bem Meissner Ummm... actually it's those "Amber Waves of Grain" we have to thank for only a small patch of Kansas still having a tallgrass prairie. It used to blanket the entire midwest, sustaining vast herds of buffalo. Now it's maybe a 100 or so square mile patch of ground south of Manhattan (Kansas, not NY).

What's left is beautiful though, and well worth a visit. http://www.nps.gov/tapr/index.htm
Jason ON said…
I'm driving and can't respond to all..

I'm heading to a dinky little town called Milstadt, Ill.
Tim McAdam said…
I'm straight north of there and just a touch to the West in Iowa, on the Ave of the Saints. I can actually see the Ave. from the office, where I work.
Have a merry Christmas Jason ON (or happy holidays if you prefer)
Bem Meissner said…
AMEN to the BBQ idea ! nothin better than a slow roasted side of pork over smoldering aeromatic wood !
Emily Brogan said…
NO. If you haven't noticed, those animals by the side of the road for the past several hundred miles are cows, not pigs.

Beef is what the midwest BBQs best. In the Kansas and Missouri areas, the specialties are burnt ends, baby back ribs, and brisket (though Texas is the real brisket specialist).
Bem Meissner said…
Agreed, but I thought he was headin for Ill. and I thought baby back was pork? or is that only in St. Louis ?
And yeah, TEXAS does brisket best.
Emily Brogan said…
Baby back just means it's the short ribs near the back. I think most vertebrate species would have them.

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