Eye opener.

Eye opener. Never thought about the tomatoes that way (but I don't eat canned tomatoes, so that's not an issue), I've pretty much switched to soy milk and I fell in love with the flavor of stove top pan popcorn instead of microwave, so I'm good there. However, I didn't know about the potatoes and apples. The beef and salmon I did know about.

I will have to check out that eatwild.com site.


Robert J said…
Damn! Link doesn't work, now I will never know!
Chris Reece said…
Also - Canada declared BPA a toxic substance last year. More countries need to get behind that...and while we're waiting on them (heh), people need to use purchasing power to convince companies to stop using cans and cardboard cartons with BPA linings.

Jasna Evans said…
It's on FOX , maybe it's not true
(damn popcorn!)
It's always something right? We should be the healthiest people on earth but we trade low prices for toxin. Fox isn't the first to report these issues and I wish the word would get out there more broadly.
Chris Reece said…
Even the organic stuff is bad, to be honest. They can refrain from using chemical fertilisers and pesticides, but we've screwed up our water table with contaminants - and our rain clouds carry contaminants as well. Thanks to irrigation, that all shows up in our foods in varying amounts.

People in large cities - and downwind from large cities - are breathing in miniscule plastic particles. There are millions of tons of plastic waste floating in our lakes and oceans, leaching into the water and poisoning another part of our food supply. I think we're pretty well screwed.

And on that happy note, I think I need a drink. I shouldn't have studied environmental science - it's probably the most depressing degree program on the face of the planet right now.
Chris Reece said…
Basically, yes - nothing from a can lined with BPA is healthy. Alice is correct - the high acidity in tomatoes leeches out more of the toxins, thus you wind up with a higher dose of the nasty stuff.
Yay Happens said…
Processed and concentrated soy is loaded with really potent neurotoxins. There are warnings out now that it should not be consumed by children before a certain age. It absolutely should have been on this list!!! The latest on soy in the news the past months is completely scary. Jason have you tried almond milk?
Jason ON said…
Nope. But I have tried rice milk and didn't care for it.
Chris Reece said…
Try coconut milk. Tasty goodness. :)

It also makes fantastic brownies!

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