What is this?

What is this? Is it new? Someone I'm not following is putting things in my stream? Also, the What's hot on Google+ link? And his company: imSocial.com, is that what shows when apps accounts are used?


Yea, pretty much. It sucks. You can collapse that area. I have already sent feedback on it. :(
Melina M said…
Hmm... my boyfriend John Hostile was just complaining about that too. I haven't seen it myself yet, though.
John Hostile said…
I think things might be buggy right now. My "What's hot" contains nothing at all when I click on it on the left.
Ursula Rodgers said…
The site under his name is just what he has in the current employment area.

I don't mind having a "what's hot" link over in the left as a sort of automatic saved search, but dumping it into the middle of everyone's stream is not too cool.
Rob Gordon said…
I think they are going to junk up this system. I'm not sure about that 'what hot" stuff.
John Hardy said…
I want to see what's not hot but should be

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