Okay, Google+ is pissing me off right now.

Okay, Google+ is pissing me off right now. MY Stream keeps jumping all over the place, my notifications box won't open all the way (I'm getting a small box that I can barely read, and when I do get a notifications box I cannot scroll down the comments.

So for that, I will be taking my dog for a walk in the snow.


Gerwin Sturm said…
Mission accomplished :P
Rip Rowan said…
Yeah I'm seeing a lot of bugs ATM
1. Refresh the page
2. Make sure the window is large enough [G+ scales - sometimes not well]
3. Close out your notifications and reopen them
Gerwin Sturm said…
I only hope this means that some updates are on their way ;)
But yes, I'm seeing the same things.
Lorie Johnson said…
Been having the same problem with the partially opening Notify box.
John Neiberger said…
Close your g+ window/tab and clear your cache. That worked for me.
John Neiberger said…
I should go outside and see if I can get some interesting shots of the snow...but it's cold out there. And wet. And I'm inside where it's warm, with coffee.
I agree, you should go and get photos then when you come back in a fresh cup of coffee is even better......
Phil Taylor said…
There are bugs to work out on Google+ for sure. The jumping thing is MOST annoying and unpredictable.
Simon Shupp said…
Well at least your dog notices the benevolence of the Google gods... hehe
Tony Stork said…
I haven't personally had these problems, but I know lots of people who have. Weird that it happens to some and not others. Hopefully Google fixes the problem!
Jason ON said…
Snow is not beautiful, snow is white. White is the color of death. Death is not beautiful.
Jason ON said…
Snow is great for being in the modd, but not great for anything else. ;)
Tony Stork said…
I lived in Minnesota for a good while, thus snow doesn't put me in a mood (if it did, I woulda locked myself up all winter in a place like MN lol) but I certainly could live without it too lol
Isn't Black the colour of death? or at a push - RED!
David Prieto said…
I also get the notification box thing.

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