So, it's snowing.

So, it's snowing. A wet half snow/half rain thing right now. Should I go outside, sit in the hot tub and drink a glass of scotch to stay warm?


Jason ON said…
Two cubes? Do I look like a sissy? Neat or nothing.
Karen Elaine said…
im very jealous of this whole situation!
Jason ON said…
By your name you're of Italian decent: we all know Italians can't drink properly. :P
davey ewart said…
Would be nice .has to have water to be best Google it
Wants pics of snow, no snow in the UK forecast or expected for at least another month :(
Jason ON said…
You guys are lucky, then, Andrew Jones-McGuire.
NO! we want snow, it's good for disprooving Global Warming bollocks lol
Al Gore doesn't live in Scotland so he can GTF :)
davey ewart said…
Bright and Sunny will post s pic of our spa that looks out over the garden. Been off the gas for a while
Steve Ruge said…
Wish I had a hot tub on this side of Denver.

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