Occupy. Let the officials in Oakland know what you think!

Occupy. Let the officials in Oakland know what you think!

Originally shared by Lynne Flynn

SADNESS From Occupy Oakland Tonight. Email entire Oakland City Council:
District 1 Jane Brunner: jbrunner@oaklandnet.com;
District 2 Pat Kernighan: pkernighan@oaklandnet.com;
District 3 Nancy Nadel: nnadel@oaklandnet.com;
District 4 Libby Schaaf: lschaaf@oaklandnet.com;
District 5 Ignacio De La Fuente: idelafuente@oaklandnet.com;
District 6 Desley Brooks: dbrooks@oaklandnet.com;
District 7 Larry Reid: lreid@aokalandnet.com;
At Large Council Member Rebecca Kaplan: atlarge@oaklandnet.com


Ryan Techau said…
Theres a typo in the district 7 email address. Let's see if you can find it like I did lol.
Brianne said…
I read it as "A-OK land" which it certainly isn't.
Ryan Techau said…
Close it is @*aoka*landnet.com when it should be @oaklandnet.com

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