That is so cool. Damn! There's some patience there, patience I don't have.

That is so cool. Damn! There's some patience there, patience I don't have.
Originally shared by Ralph Roberts
Gary LeMaster – The Incredible Eggshell Sculptor
Oddity Central - "ary LeMaster has to be one of the world’s most gifted sculptors. After all, how many people can take an egg and turn it into an intricate and detailed work of art?.
"... Talking about how people react when they see his eggshell masterpieces, the artist says almost everyone asks him what the eggs are made of. Although their shape obviously hints to an egg, most of them believe they’re made of ceramic and plastic, and act very surprise when Mr LeMaster assures them they are real eggs from real chickens, turkeys, ostrich, geese, etc. ..."
full story: