What the flock?

What the flock?

Google finally has its excuse to shutdown the Ploos! Noooo!



Nick McIntosh said…
Sounds like more than a few people in my circles are giving Pluspora.com a run.
Sibyl L said…
Might I suggest Dreamwidth as an alternative? FB and FB clones are not an option for me.
Jason ON said…
I'm thinking of creating a spreadsheet that people can fill out to stay in touch. Not sure on the shut down date (was it in the article? If so, I must have missed it) so we still have time, it's just the lack of options out there I have problems with.
Shut down is August 2019, I'm here till they turn off the lights.
I gave MeWe a look and have to say: looks promising and interesting... But I will not abandon G+ as long as its up...

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