So, Minnesota would rather people not be able to advance themselves without the officiating organization paying a fee, first? Do libraries have to pay a fee to lend books? Do documentaries put together by universities have to pay a fee first? If I move into the state and give away old college text books, do I have to pay a fee first?
Take any sofa, look for somewhere cheap and hold onto the job.
Keep your chin up too!
Damn. Just damn. I know someone who went through this, it is rough but doable for a time. And from what I heard the VA has programs but as you know it is the VA, so I think you are right on that one. Housing in Denver is still tight. Dang it
I went out to my truck and finally cleared the back out and laid down the back seat. Guess what doesn't go down all the way? For the foreseeable future, I will be sleeping in an inclined position.
I also tried to give the remainder of my food stuffs to a friend but he declined. I'd rather not leave it here a the house for the people kicking me out, but I don't have any way to take it with me. No room for a cooler or anything.
I was just telling my friend, I'd always liked my smaller SUV, but now I'm wishing I had the bigger 4Dr one.
It caught me by surprise. As I'm walking out, saying my goodbyes, he comes up to me and tells me I need to leave the building. I don't.
On the second floor I run across some other employees, those who have been there for years. I told them what happened and they went bonkers. One even tried to catch HR before they left the building. I have an exit interview scheduled for Monday morning with the senior HR person. No promises were made but I got the impression I might have a chance to get re-hired on another team.
I spent the last two nights in church parking lots and was hoping to again this evening but, dammit, whatever these churches are doing, they're doing well into the night.
Went to a homeless Veterans event today. Spoke with some shelters. They don't sound fun. One shelter, the Samaritan House, said they're group style. 80 men sharing a room. I could barely sleep with Rufus breathing in the room, how am i supposed to sleep around 79 other people? Also, since it's a Catholic shelter they require regular counseling sessions and regular mass attendance. And the guy i spoke with admitted, it's not always safe.
There are, of course, other options.
I just need a good night's sleep and a place to prep for interviews. So I can start looking for a place. Is that too much to ask?