Swung by Costco to get some moving bins, gas and a bite to eat.

Swung by Costco to get some moving bins, gas and a bite to eat. As I'm getting gas i see this younger guy (college aged?) going through the garbage looking for food. So, I ask him, "Hey man, are you hungry?"

"Yes," he says.

"Give me a minute to finish getting gas and I'll take you into the store to get a bite to eat."

"Cool, thanks," he says.

I tell him to wait by the front door. I finish getting my gas and head up to the doors. He's not there. Thinking Costco sent him packing (he smells horrible), I look around. Lo' and behold! he's at the deli counter ordering his own food. I walk up to him, "Hey man, I said I'd buy.'

"It's okay," he said. "Thank you for the offer."


Keith Keber said…
When I lived in Wisconsin, one evening I went out shopping just before they rolled up the sidewalks. I stopped by the deli counter to pick up some cold cuts and they were bagging up the day's food for disposal. You should have seen it. The stuff looked fresh and delicious. I asked if they were really going to throw it away. The girl looked at me and said, "well, if you like I can set it aside for you." I mean as sweet as a young kid can be. I was almost tempted to say yes, because if I knew where the local homeless encampments were, I could drop it off there. As it was, I got embarrassed and said no thanks.

I started looking at dumpster diving and almost took it up, even though I made some serious book as a corporate tech support shill. Seriously, the shit people throw away in this country is kind of insane. Maybe that's what your guy was doing.

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