More proof we need extra security and protections for voting as individuals and nation-states attempt to infiltrate...

More proof we need extra security and protections for voting as individuals and nation-states attempt to infiltrate our voting systems.


Ironic since the only proven hacks in the 2016 election were done by the DHS. Which, once caught they claimed were " checks, yeah that's the ticket".
Shane Liebling said…
Won't happen. All hacking attempts are helping the GOP. They'll say they should do something but people in the hacker community have been talking about these issues for over a decade now and nobody actually cares.
Jason ON said…
Christopher Gaul well, considering its no longer 2016 I don't get your point. Are you saying no malevolent actors are being active in 2018 because they weren't in 2016?
Jason ON no. The point is that most of the real election tampering happens a lot closer to home. So if they really want to do something about hacking, how about cleaning their own house first.
Jason ON said…
Ah yes, the people within are acting so we shouldn't concern ourselves with the external actors argument. That thinking is not only simple-minded and naive, but dangerous as well.
Jason ON it might be if I'd actually made that argument. Rather it's you projecting a strawman to distract from my valid point.
Jason ON said…
Maybe I'm confused, Christopher Gaul. Did you not say this:

The point is that most of the real election tampering happens a lot closer to home

I can only assume you were saying this as rebuttal to the OP and article which is about external actors (Russian and Chinese trolls) and thus deflecting from the intent of the discussion with your own strawman or tu quoque arguments. It really could be read either way: either you're trying to alter my argument or you're avoiding the discussion by placing blame on someone else. Either way, you id not address what I write or what was in the article.

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