Recently there has been some news coming out of Florida. Okay, well, there's always news coming out of Florida, but this wasn't another tale of the #FloridaMan or some weird story about alligators and sharks, this was a story about how an employee for the state of Florida failed to run FBI background checks on hundreds, if not thousands, of conceal-carry applications. Apparently, per the employee, she forgot her FBI log on credentials to the national database for a year. This resulted in the state of Florida having to revoke nearly 300 permits that were issued during the year this employee couldn't log in. (Seriously, how could she go a year without logging in and no one - her boss, for example - caught her?) The headlines for this story are all the same, though: Florida this and Florida that: I pointed out on social media, where one person had posted one of these articles (from PBS, if I remember correctly), that I wish the headlines were a little m...