The article isn't that long, but the abbreviated version is: the Catholics and Protestants went around and murdered...
The article isn't that long, but the abbreviated version is: the Catholics and Protestants went around and murdered 40,000 witches (wise women, people of the old faiths) to prove they were the most capable of protecting you from evil. Sort of like when you're an alt-righter and you go around killing black folks just to prove your beliefs are reducing crime.
What concerns me though is the dwindling numbers of religious people. What will the churches do - what steps might they take - to prove to the masses that we somehow need churches? Surely not wholesale slaughter of marginalized people? Not unless the Jeff Sessions of the world get more power.
What concerns me though is the dwindling numbers of religious people. What will the churches do - what steps might they take - to prove to the masses that we somehow need churches? Surely not wholesale slaughter of marginalized people? Not unless the Jeff Sessions of the world get more power.