Many observers have noted that Trump has a difficult time expressing himself and speaking in complete sentences.

Many observers have noted that Trump has a difficult time expressing himself and speaking in complete sentences. A linguistic analysis by Politico found that Trump speaks at a fourth-grade level. A study by researchers at Carnegie-Mellon University compared the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates in terms of their vocabulary and grammar. Trump scored at a fifth-grade level, the lowest of all the candidates.


But are the verbal statements issued during a modern debate a fair measure of intelligence? Take Ben Carson, who is highly educated and knowledgeable about medicine - he was measured as speaking at an 8th grade level.

Perhaps this can be used in concert with other measures of intelligence, but the fact that someone who is a politician is saying things using very very easy words does not mean that he is a loser.
Jason ON said…
Where are getting "debate" from?

"In the August 6th Republican candidates debate, Trump answered the moderators’ questions with linguistic austerity. Run through the Flesch-Kincaid grade-level test, his text of responses score at the 4th-grade reading level. For Trump, that’s actually pretty advanced. All the other candidates rated higher, with Ted Cruz earning 9th-grade status. Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, and Scott Walker scored at the 8th-grade level. John Kasich, the next-lowest after Trump, got a 5th-grade score." - Donald Trump Talks Like a Third-Grader - POLITICO Magazine
David Kutcher said…
So, part of this is that, as a public speaker, you want to speak to your audience in their language. That language is the equivalent of an 8th grade reading level.

The issue is that Trump doesn't speak above a 5th grade level, ever. Coupled with his general lack of comprehension, short attention span, and self-stated "I don't read", you can see a probem.
Jason ON said…
It's generally considered polite that, when bringing in information from outside sources, you show your sources, John E. Bredehoft.
u sb said…
David Kutcher I think it is both. He is a fourth grader, talking to fourth graders, with the support of very smart people who will be guiding all these children to far far right agendas

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