Many observers have noted that Trump has a difficult time expressing himself and speaking in complete sentences.
Many observers have noted that Trump has a difficult time expressing himself and speaking in complete sentences. A linguistic analysis by Politico found that Trump speaks at a fourth-grade level. A study by researchers at Carnegie-Mellon University compared the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates in terms of their vocabulary and grammar. Trump scored at a fifth-grade level, the lowest of all the candidates.
Perhaps this can be used in concert with other measures of intelligence, but the fact that someone who is a politician is saying things using very very easy words does not mean that he is a loser.
"In the August 6th Republican candidates debate, Trump answered the moderators’ questions with linguistic austerity. Run through the Flesch-Kincaid grade-level test, his text of responses score at the 4th-grade reading level. For Trump, that’s actually pretty advanced. All the other candidates rated higher, with Ted Cruz earning 9th-grade status. Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, and Scott Walker scored at the 8th-grade level. John Kasich, the next-lowest after Trump, got a 5th-grade score." - Donald Trump Talks Like a Third-Grader - POLITICO Magazine
The issue is that Trump doesn't speak above a 5th grade level, ever. Coupled with his general lack of comprehension, short attention span, and self-stated "I don't read", you can see a probem.