Earlier today I got wrapped up in the YouTube black hole wherein I watched a short "motovlog" type video, then...

Earlier today I got wrapped up in the YouTube black hole wherein I watched a short "motovlog" type video, then another, then another - and so forth. Some where guys just riding around while talking, some had more to do with interviewing bikers on the road and were actually fairly well made while others were just riding and maybe some of that horrible "free" music you can add to videos.

Do you watch motorcycling videos? What do you prefer? The "vlogging" type? The riding videos? Interviews with riders? Reviews?


mono m said…
riding videos and reviews!!!
Do I watch? Not really.
I like them all, mostly the riding videos though
LaJuan Hughes said…
I watch mostly motorcycle reviews. The most recent are goldwing. My main motovlog I watch is Adam sandavol rides with scooter. A lot of the other motovlog give biker a bad name. Showing a lot of them just yelling at cars maker biker look bad. My tip is don't check out great big story on YouTube you will get stuck on the 2 to 3 min video for hours. Like the taxi service fighting for Indonesia's disabled. See don't watch it .
LaJuan Hughes Agreed! The "Great Big Story" really has some compelling stories of all types to tell. I've been down that rabbit home more than once.
Michael Meyer said…
I just uploaded a video of latigo canyon I made Monday using pivot heads sun glasses.... Just to see and show what sport touring is about and the Malibu area

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