How not to Social Media, by Chris Orwig .
How not to Social Media, by Chris Orwig .
First, don't post.
Second, when you do post, do not introduce your content.
Third, when you do post, post only videos of yourself.
Fourth, shut down comments.
Fifth, flood the stream. Twelve posts all with the same time-stamp, for example.
Chris just earned himself an unCircle.
I know someone else who doesn't post here, but who will suddenly have several videos (also of himself) appear simultaneously. Probably neither of our guys even knows this is happening. - Chris Orwig
Anyway, comments being disabled of G+ seems to be a choice Orwig has made, and I agree that that's not good social media practice. But my main point is that the periodic deluge of Youtube videos on his account is almost certainly not deliberate and the fact that his videos are about him is just due to the nature of his Youtube channel.