I owned the very first iteration of the GoPro way back in the day.
I owned the very first iteration of the GoPro way back in the day. Then, I bought the Hero1.5. There was no official Hero1.5, but they offered the Hero with a resolution upgrade to 960 which was good enough for YouTube at the time. A few years later I decided to get away from GoPro altogether for one reason: they're expensive. I had friends purchase cheap knock-offs that took just as good, if not better, videos that cost a fraction of the price. Let's face it, I could spend $400+ on the latest name brand or $50 8 times on a knock-off.
In the end I chose a GoPro competitor: Garmin. Their cameras are just as good as GoPro and so far Garmin's customer service has been fantastic. I wish someone would develop a better mounting system than the one GoPro made "standard" but we can't all get what we want, now can we?
In the end I chose a GoPro competitor: Garmin. Their cameras are just as good as GoPro and so far Garmin's customer service has been fantastic. I wish someone would develop a better mounting system than the one GoPro made "standard" but we can't all get what we want, now can we?