Some really interesting insights in this article.

Some really interesting insights in this article.

Porn featuring violence against women is also extremely popular among women. It is far more popular among women than men. I hate saying that because misogynists seem to love this fact. Fantasy life isn't always politically correct.


Marla Caldwell said…
The data are interesting. I'm not sure it supports his conclusions. I have known a lot of women who watch gay porn, for example, just as a lot of women watch lesbian porn (20%, he claims), and the methods by which he decided who is watching what are unclear.

Most households share an external IP, and many porn searches are done in "incognito" browser mode while others may be done by people simply not logged in to Google, so allocating consumption to a particular gender is questionable without interviews substantiating it.
Jason ON said…
And you're making assumptions in your second paragraph. Who says they're using household computers and not mobile devices on mobile networks? Who says most "porn searches are done in incognito" mode?

Feel free to click through to his full report. Yes, assumptions are made (in this article) based on the data he collected, and that's not only addressed in the article but shouldn't have anything to do with whatever raw data he gathered.
Marla Caldwell said…
They may be using mobile devices, too. I'm not saying they aren't, but tablets get shared a lot among households too. I also didn't say "most" porn searches were done in incognito mode but "many". I didn't see a link to his full report but will look for one. Maybe he goes into more detail on how he ascribes searches to specific users and genders that lends support to some of his conclusions.

I did say the data were interesting, and have no objections to his raw data. I'm just questioning whether his data supports the conclusions he shares in the interview.

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